meet Oliver

he is a latino cockatiel

meet Oliver
he is a latino cockatiel
Have you ever seen a boler? What about touched a boler?
Brooke Dale and Landon Turner, 2 middle school dectectives, find a boler which is a slimy gray and black slug that is 23,000 feet long. they have to keep thier finding a secret . But when word that Landon set a boler on fire they have to sneek away.
don’t miss a boler secret, in theaters july 25. Aaliyah Thornton as Brooke Dale
Jameson Harris as Landon Turner
Finn Hughes as dad #1
Grady Eaton as dad #2
Harvey Garrett as bully
Sebastian Ryan as kid #1
Santiago Hernández as kid #2
Quang Jinja as kid #3
Nathaniel Shio as kid #4
”Hi baby bird,” I said, walking over to Amarillo’s cage.
“Why do you always call me baby bird?” Rio asked , hopping onto his food dish.
“Well because you’re my little baby and you’re a bird,” I told him , looking away.
“Oh. Well, I guess I can get used to it,” he said, taking a bite of his food. “Oh and- chew- this seed-chew- is delicious.”
I glanced down then said, “ Hey Rio, what nickname is your favorite, Rb or Rio?”
He jumped back to his perch, and started to preen his feathers. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’m molting, and I need to preen my feathers-yank- so if I could-yank- have five minutes that would be-yank-great.”
”OK love you.” I said, as I blew him an air kiss.
“ You’re the best mom ever.” He said, as I started to walk away
“ You’re the best bird ever.”
When I got to my room, I noticed the game Sorry sitting on the floor. I picked it up, glanced back and opened it.
“Oh Rio.” I said, as I picked up one of the “Rio chewed” cards.
When I went back to the kitchen, I found Rio playing with his toys on the bottom of his cage.
“Hi mommy,” he said, as I walked over to him.
“Hi Rb’s.” I set the game on the table.
”What game is that?” He asked as he hopped on his perch.
“For what?”
”No silly, the game is sorry.” I said laughing merrily.
”Oh.” He said looking at his food dish.
”Soo… do you wanna play?”
He looked at me then said “ Sure but you’re going down.”
I giggled.
But five minutes later Rio said,” Sorry.”
“ For what? You’re winning.”
” Sorry, sorry , sorry.” He said.
“ Rio are you OK?” I asked moving one of my pawns.
“ Sorry for saying sorry.”
We laughed.
Hi my name is Amarillo. My story takes place in Bethlehem about 2000 years ago.
“Now Rio remember if you see the merchant selling seeds fly over and Gently pick up some seeds. Got it?” My mother asked me tucking a clean gold chain on my neck.
“Why the chain mom?” I asked as she tended to my sister Panda. Panda is as white as snow with black wings.
By: Tatum Hay from, wellness Tatum podcast.
Have you ever found yourself lost in an emotional roller coaster? I can think back to when my daughter Susie was 5 and she wanted a new toy. Now if I had given in what lesson would she have learned? The question is whether or not this is good for your child.
Day: 2 🦜
August 18, 2023
At 5:00 a.m. I walked over to Rio’s cage. Nope. He wasn’t awake yet, so I went back to bed. At exactly 5:10 the air conditioning turned on and sweet Rio woke with a start. I took my chance, to get him out and cuddle. It worked, and we cuddled till 6:00. Then my alarm went off, and we got up. I took a shower with him and then got ready for school. Since it was Friday I had to get ready quickly in order to go out for brekie with my mom. I turned on budgie noises for Rio.
After school I got him out of his travel cage and we bonded. I found out that he had been a good boy all day and that he had eaten, slept ,and chirped. I love you Rio.
At home we worked on math, nouns, and Spanish bingo all on an app called ABCya! Since I had no homework me and my mom went to the pool. Then it was dinner and Rio ate his seeds.
Then off to read Matilda in the art room.
“Goodnight, Rio. Sleep tight.” Always ends a great day.
Love you baby Rio!!!❤️
love, Mommy.🦜
Day:1 🦜
August 17, 2023
My eyes fixed on two small little parakeets. Which one was him, I thought as I glanced at the female, then the male. As soon as the woman walked over to us I pointed at the male. “ May I please hold him”? I asked with a quivering lip. The small parakeet started to nip at my thumb in a playful way. Tweet , chirp and bounce, tweet, chirp,and bounce, is what this small bundle of joy kept doing. All the sudden I thought of a name, Tweety. But then my mom said the perfect name, Amarillo. The nickname Rio started to scream at me.
Then at the cash register a cute small baby love bird and Rio started to play. The two were adorable and I loved Rio even more.
He continued to puff up his feathers as he was so animated at only 1 1/2 months old!
An hour later me and Rio were in the car playing, but Rio was as silent as a mouse. I had fallen in love with him and I was not going to let him get hurt.
At home I grabbed my iPad and me and Rio watched Dainel tiger. I set the table and then me and Rio were off to learn some Spanish on ,Duolingo. Rio also ate some dinner, seeds. Then me, mommy, Rio, and Coopy went into the art room to read, Matilda.
Pretty soon it was time to go to bed. Rio went into his cage and I turned on some relaxing classical music for us. Then the lights went off and we went to bed.
Love , Mommy ❤️